Friday, August 7, 2009

Little Day to Vacay

Thought I would share a few pics from our visit to Big Rock with the brother-in-law, Tom. The pic above was my view for about 5 hours while I sipped a tasty beverage and finished my latest guilty pleasure reading, The Sookie Stackhouse novels. Ya know, the series on HBO, TrueBlood is based on the books. I actually just finished the third one yesterday. I am so deep.

Ya'll know I had to girl it up.

That's the hubs - he looks really cool, but he ate it! Sorry, honey.

Little Bit and BIL, formally known as FBIL.

Fun Times, except that I used 44 weight watcher points that day! Just to give you an idea, I only get 19 points per day. Yeah. I was paying for that one all week. Lots of workin out and sore muscles. I feel really blessed that we live so close to the river. Its just something about being in the mountains that calms you and reminds you how awesome our God is. Wonderful day!