Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Outside my window... Blue skies, sunny, and warm. I see my watering can and lavender. I found a four leaf clover this morning!

I am thinking... about balancing my day with to dos and want to dos. Laundry or baking? ok, both.

I am thankful for... my wonderful, hardworking husband. Good friends.

From the kitchen... yummy dunkin doughnuts coffee, gonna have grilled pineapple tonight.

I am wearing... a fun little red and pink tie-dyed tiered cotton slip (I know, still in my pj's is funny).

I am creating... some fun upcycled items for my new etsy shop! Also working on a bench to put in my guest room.

I am going... to the grocery store today. And going to my grandparent's lake house for the fourth! And to the lake with Tracy and Russ Sunday! Can't wait!

I'm reading... Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult - read it.

I am hoping... my garden continues to grow. Squash are ready for the picking.

I am hearing... Lola breathing like an old man.

Around the house...Lots and lots of laundry of course. Kitchen is full and cluttered with items for the etsy shop. Gonna clean and store today.

One of my favorite things... to take a good shower at the end of the day, put yummy lotion and comfy pj's on, sit down and read a good decorating book or magazine.

A few plans for the rest of the week... work on shop, find a job(!),be a good wife

A picture to share...

Jeff took the picture with his cell phone in our side yard.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

oh love it Alison!!! so pretty & what a sweet guy!!!

you're so lucky it's in your yard!!! :)